Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix Canariensis)

The majestic Canary Island Date Palm Tree is easily recognized by it’s crown of leaves and trunk characteristics. When the tree is pruned properly, the bottom of the crown seems to have a pineapple appearance. The Canary Island Date Palm is a beautiful stately palm that comes from a group of islands off the coast of Africa called of course the Canary Islands. The palm comes from the Phoenix Lineage and is equipped with sharp needle pointed thorns which run up along the leaf stem.

This iconic tree stands by itself and needs no introduction, it is usually found in all the main resorts and cosmopolitan centers across many tropical and sub tropical areas. The palm makes a wonderful specimen for anyone who wants to make a statement of elegance. Once the tree has matured as long as it is watered regularly and fertilized three to four times a year it will easily grow to a stately size and crown its top with large 5-7 m long deep green leaves which spiral around it giving the tree it’s stately crown.

Canary Island Date Palm Price Structure

We have a range of Canary Island Date Palms available from 400 mm – 4000 mm (4 m) . Pricing is based on the trunk height at a rate of $3.00 per mm.

For example a 500 mm trunk height costs $1500. 

Common Questions

1How do you take care of a Canary Island Date Palm?

Keep the Canary Island Date Palm damp for the first three months. Water the palm by allowing a garden hose to drip at the base of the tree. After the first three months, water sparingly and only during hot, dry periods, as Canary Island Date Palm is susceptible to rot.

2How deep are Canary Island Date Palm roots?

Palm trees typically have root systems that grow down rather than out. Usually they remain with 800 mm of the trunk and venture down 1m .

3What is the crown uniformity like?

Its a symmetrical canopy with a regular (or smooth) outline, and individuals have more or less identical crown forms

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