
At Palm Sale, we offer a comprehensive maintenance service that will keep your palm trees looking lush and vibrant.

Taking care of your palm trees is essential for their overall health. Removing old or dead fronds is crucial to prevent pests and diseases from infesting your trees. Additionally, leaving spent leaves on the tree can lead to increased weight and reduced strength, making them more susceptible to storm damage. Pruning may also be necessary if your palm tree is obstructing backyard access or impeding garden work. An overgrown palm tree can even pose a fire risk.

Our team at Palm Sale is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and expertise, such as our “Boom Lift,” to ensure safe and efficient palm tree trimming. We can easily remove heavy seedpods and clean your trees, leaving them looking impeccable. Our qualified landscapers specialize in larger palms, guaranteeing amazing results for your palm cleans. We prioritize safety by removing all leaves and debris as part of our service.

Before And After

Choose Palm Sale for your palm tree maintenance needs and experience the transformation and beauty that palm trees can bring to your outdoor space!

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Palm Trees